Operation Winter Mist - Arctic Wolves

Followed by a predatory beast
Wolf tracks in the snow
I know that the wolves are near

Wolf fangs stained with blood
Saliva drips a crimson tear
Carnivores of the North
Soon it will be time to feed

Follow your predator instinct
Wolf fang stained with blood
Our enemies be food for the wolf

Guardians of the North
Protect the clans purity
Preserve the pack territory
All intruders are the prey to feed

The howls in the moonlight
The sound that scared the night

Bring up the alpha males
Let them lead the charge
Sum up their racks
Ravage like a platoon of tanks
For arctic wolves fear no human being
Come forth for the North
All for the arctic legions
Go for the throat
Let blood drip onto the snow
Scent of blood draws the others near

Wolf bone chills the North wind
Traditional songs after the feast
Their howls inspire Vinlandic pride
And the wolf became part of me

Come forward alpha females
Whelp for the pack and breed
Disperse to the south
And spread the arctic seed
Multiply for race and species

For arctic wolves fear no human being
Come forth for the North
All for the arctic legion
Go for the throat
Let blood drip onto the snow
Scent of a kill draws the others near